Juicy Details: Sweet Words About SweeTango
Check out the “word cloud” we generated that displays the most popular words our fans use to describe SweeTango.
Check out the “word cloud” we generated that displays the most popular words our fans use to describe SweeTango.
The “Hungry Hound” in Chicago tells his viewers about the marvelous SweeTango. Click through for a TV news story about SweeTango and new recipes featuring your favorite apple.
This guy knows apples. His family has been growing them for nearly a century. And he loves SweeTango.
SweeTango is on its way to going global. First stop: New Zealand. Meet SweeTango grower Paul Paynter, who admits his native country looks like the movie “Lord of the Rings” — but without the hobbits!
Mark Russell and Jill MacKenzie at Whittier Fruit Farm in upstate New York are doing all they can to bring great SweeTango apples to market.
SweeTango season is under way — and you can see the excitement spread now that apples are arriving in produce aisles. We’ve been telling everyone that SweeTango is a superior apple, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Our fans will tell you the same thing.
It won’t be long now, SweeTango fans. Many of the growers with Next Big Thing, the cooperative that grows and markets SweeTango apples, are starting their harvest and getting ready to begin sending apples your way.
Lots of you entered our First Bite Giveaway, hoping to win some of the first SweeTango apples to come off the trees this season. We now have our winners. Are you one of the lucky few?
Apple lovers in the Twin Cities can get a jump on the “Short & SweeTango Season” by reserving a supply of the Minnesota-bred sensation.
SweeTango had a great 2011 — and apple lovers are eagerly awaiting the arrival of this year’s SweeTango season. The