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    “Just had my first one and it was delish! My new favorite apple.” - Karen A., Capistrano Beach, California
    “Best apple I have ever tasted!” - Peggy S., Phoenix, Arizona
    “I was BLOWN AWAY by the flavor, juiciness, and crispness of the apple as I bit into it.” - Jeffrey F.
    “The perfect blend of sweet and tangy.” - Rusty S., Kingston, Ontario
    “I had my first SweeTango of the season today... Yummmm!! I missed them so much!” - Deanna V.
    “Absolutely delicious. How wonderful to concoct a new apple that turned out just perfect.” - Nola F.
    “I've had to tell everyone I know about these great apples. The BEST!!” - Carolyn D., Becker, Minnesota
    “First tried them this season ... hooked!” - Bonnie L., Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
    “The apple of my dreams!” - Lynn P.
    “My favorite apple!!!!” - Renee M., Mattawan, Michigan